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Kaiden is Growing.

About a week ago, Kaiden was in our fireplace room when I asked him (from the kitchen) to come and help me with the dishes. I didnt think he would actually come. All of a sudden, I heard his little feet, pitter patter in excitement down the hall. He bypassed the kitchen. "Buddy, not the photo room." He then entered the kitchen with his little step stool in hand, ready to do the dishes. I could not believe my eyes. Not only did he understand that I wanted him to help me with the dishes, but he made the connection that he needed to find is step stool so he could reach the top shelf (take that speech therapists that say he is delayed!) This is proof that Kaiden has been growing into such a big boy. He can go down the stairs by himself with no railing! He finds little pieces of trash and walks it right to the garbage can. The fact that he helps me unload the dishwasher is crazy enough. While I did enjoy the baby stages of his life, I really do love the bits of independence sprouting from him.Yesterday we made sandwiches and brought them to the park. I let him play for a bit but then I could tell he was starting to get hungry, so we sat on a park bench and ate our turkey and cheddar on wheat. He kept trying to escape with sandwich in hand but I insisted that he eats first, then plays. Ahhh! I can't tell you how much I love this kid. Within this little boy, there is a heart that beats for adventure. There is no fear when he head dives off the couch or climbs to the tallest slide. But at the same time, he gives me kisses by choice. He grabs my hand and pulls me close so that I am near while he plays with his toys. I am blessed beyond belief and every day with him gives me more and more confirmation that being a stay at home mom is my calling. I follow several stay at home moms on Instagram and I love seeing my feed updated with pictures of their daily adventures. Picnics in the park...trips to the zoo...painting at home...homemade teepee's and forts. Storybooks. Homemade cookies. Lemonade. These may be simple things but I love knowing that I have the opportunity to pour myself into my child each day...and one day I'll be doing those very things with him.