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First Potty Accident.

I've been told that the best way to potty train is to just take off the diaper and stick 'em in boxers. Since my mom is in town, she suggested we go ahead and give it a try. He was so incredibly cute running around the house in his big boy boxer-briefs but I wasn't sure what to expect. About two weeks ago, we had a victorious moment. He grabbed his diaper, mumbled something in Kaiden-speak and made a contorted face. We quickly ran to the potty chair, pulled down his pants and after turning on the faucet to give him some inspiration (lol) he started going pee. It was a pretty awesome moment but it hasn't happened since. Did he understand that this little bit of freedom meant he would know to alert me? Would he appreciate the comfort of cotton vs. his annoying diaper? What happens if he had to #2? I gave him a cup of water and the waiting game began. (By the way, I'm so grateful we don't have much carpet so if the accident did happen, I could easily steam mop it up.) After a little while, he started crying and I could see him pulling at his wet his little boxers. I could tell he felt so upset and so embarrassed. I'm not sure if he understood what happened but I quickly set him on the potty and told him that this is what the potty chair is meant for. I think it's a great thing he experienced his first accident. He needs to know what it's like not to rely on a diaper.