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A Stirred Heart

It's been bugging me that most of my posts as of recently have been so focused on pregnancy and "life" but the most integral part of my life -- my relationship with God -- has been kept in the dark or so it would appear. It's not that God hasn't been teaching me anything or I haven't been actively seeking Him -- quite the opposite actually -- it's just I've struggled with how to put all that He is teaching me into words.For the past couple of months, I've been attending an awesome women's Bible study called BSF (Bible Study Fellowship: look it up! It's a non-denominational, international study and they all go through the same study all over the world. There is most  likely a study near you!) I initially started attending because of the fact that they have an awesome, free children's program. Kaiden has the opportunity to go to "pre-school" for two hours out of the week and I have two hours to dive into the Bible with other Christians. I didn't know what to expect at first. When I walked into my first lecture, the lady I was with pulled me to the front row. There were so many women that all seemed significantly older than me...it was a bit intimidating. It reminded me of churches I grew up and immediately I wasn't sure how I felt about that. But after receiving my first weekly lesson (you have questions to answer daily that go along with the Scripture reading for that day) I knew this is where I needed to be. One of my "new year's resolutions" this year was to try to read my Bible daily. This study has caused me to be in the Word almost every day. It pushes me to stay in because if I don't, I will fall behind with my lesson and I won't be ready in time for the weekly study. The questions they ask force me to think about what I'm reading rather than just skim through familiar passages. They also encourage you not to use any sort of commentary or outside resource which really gets my brain going...We've been studying the book of Genesis and I'm seeing it in a whole new way. I've learned to really read the Bible in context and am seeing how all of these familiar stories I learned as a child are so much more than that. Rather than bits and pieces, they are one giant masterpiece strung together displaying God's perfect plan throughout history (which I've always known but to actually understand it is amazing.) I have been learning more than ever how God worked mightily through the lives of men and women, despite their obvious imperfections. My eyes are opened to how the Old Testament truly is applicable to modern day times and issues. Most importantly, I'm gaining an eternal perspective. Reading through the accounts of these men and women make it so clear to me that we were not put on this earth for ourselves (but I'll have to save that for another entry.) My heart has been stirred and God has been using this study to really humble me and awaken me to a calling outside of myself. All this to say, there is a work being done in my heart and I'm not intentionally trying to hold it back. I want to share it with you all and I want you to see there is more to my life than my calling as a mother, photographer, or whatever title you want to fill in. I'm just learning so much, it's almost overwhelming. It's easier to write entries about nothing than something and despite everything going on in our lives, I want to intentionally blog more about all that God is doing. Feel free to comment below and share what He has been teaching you lately!