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What We've Been Up To...

It's been a busy week and so the blog has been on the back burner and it probably will be once the baby comes. I've been running around trying to take care of any last minute things I need to prepare for Skye's arrival. I'm pretty sure we have everything we need for her but I'm sure I'll find something I'm missing once she comes. Ethan's sister flew into town and has been helping around the house and with Kaiden. It's so nice to know that she will be able to take care of Kaiden if I do go into labor anytime soon. I have 17 days left and Skye could make her entrance into this world any now...which is a strange thought. I'm excited to meet her but I start to feel anxious when I think about labor, breastfeeding, transitions with Kaiden...the list goes on. I've gotten into such a routine with life and Kaiden and that is all about to change. I'm sure this is a common feeling and I'm sure it will all go away the moment our eyes meet. I'm just trying to meditate on verses that remind me to trust in God and not be fearful or anxious.I've been trying to get some last minute crafting in while I can. I made a fabric banner from some clearance fabric I got for $1/yard. I plan on using this banner for Skye's newborn pics but we will see how they go...Kaiden's were a total failure because he's been an active baby since day one. I'm hoping her temperament is much different. I've also been knitting her baby blanket. I'm on the third block of color but I have about four more to go...I've been selling random things that just sit in our closets/storage. I'm trying to de-clutter our house as much as possible. Even though I only make a few bucks here and there, I've been putting it all in a jar and it's starting to add up. I've been using some of that money to purchase things I've been wanting or needing...the other day I snagged a standing clothes steamer for $5! I just had to tape up one piece of it to get it working but it's as good as new.There's really not too much going on here...I'm just taking life one day at a time and enjoying the little moments I have of free time and relaxation while I can. :)