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The Bunny Rescue

We went for a walk to a nearby park when my husband heard what sounded like a crying noise. He found this poor little bunny fighting for it's life, just laying in the grass. I'm not a crazy animal lover but my heart melted when I saw how defenseless it was. Kaiden responded just the same and so we decided to take it back to the house and see what we could do. I googled some things and found that the smartest move would be to take it into an animal rehabilitation center. I called them up and they told us to take it to the local animal hospital since they were just about to close for the day. We put the bunny in a little shoe box and Kaiden proudly carried him in. I know that hurt animals are a part of nature's cycle (and I'm very well aware that my husband's job has required him to hunt many a rabbit) but I loved seeing how proud Kaiden was to have helped out the little fellow. Naturally, I had to snap a few pictures in the process. ;)