week 23

Pregnancy: 23 Weeks

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Well, I have less than 17 weeks (just about four months) until my due date. I can't believe January is already over and Valentine's Day is just around the corner. Kaiden keeps me busy and our week's schedule seems to fill so quickly, it's no wonder all of it has flown by. I'm happy to report that I've been feeling great lately. I feel Baby Girl moving around quite a bit and most of my pregnancy symptoms are low on the uncomfortable scale. My OB doctor says I'm a boring patient, which is a great thing because that means everything is going smoothly. Even the ultrasound tech was impressed that everything looks normal and her size matches up perfectly with our due date. Thank the Lord for blessing us with such a healthy baby and allowing me to endure such a smooth pregnancy so far.Baby Size & Development:Grapefruit. Baby Girl is able to hear my voice, heartbeat and even loud sounds from outside. She is starting to gain a little bit of fat so that her skin isn't so transparent.Signs & Symptoms:Turkey timer. My belly button is starting to pop out!Less mobility. I was reading Kaiden a story today that said things like, "Touch the floor." or "Wiggle your hips," and I definitely had trouble doing both. This belly of mine is getting bigger!Pregnancy brain. I'm even more forgetful than normal...but at least I have an excuse.Warmer body temperature. I remember being pregnant with Kaiden and always having to crank up the AC at our house. Whenever friends would come over they would be shivering but I would be just fine. I've actually started wearing shorts and tank tops around the house, so I'm pretty sure that sustaining this little life keeps me warmer than normal.Best Moment This Week:Cuddling with Kaiden. He has always been a cuddly little boy (depsite his energy levels.) Somewhere in the midst of all his par-cor and monkey moves, he finds time to hop on the couch next to mommy, curl up in a ball and rest his head on me. I see how fast he has grown and I know I won't have these moments forever so I'm enjoying them while I can.Worst Moment This Week: When I woke up with a terrible muscle spasm in my back. I thought something was seriously wrong with the baby but thankfully it just an extremely tight back. I get bad back pains when I sit with no back support for a long time and I spent an evening at someone's house sitting on the edge of a couch...bad, bad idea.What I Most Look Forward To:The moment I know what it's like to have a daughter. Having a little boy has been life changing. Although, I may not love cars the way he does or have the same dare devil desire to climb and jump everything like he does, we have such a special mother-son relationship. I'm really excited to share a similar bond with our little girl but experience totally different adventures with her. I'm sure there will be many different characteristics she has and I can't wait to experience them all.