family pictures

What Skye Wore & Our Trip Uptown

All, Momhood, Personaladmin5 Comments

skyeworeFrom the moment I knew we were having a girl, I was very adamant about finding non-traditional girl clothes. I'm not a huge fan of pink and ruffles (though I have eased up a bit and have dressed her in both on the occasion.) Skye is always sporting cute outfits and I believe they are blog-worthy, so I'm hoping to start posting more of "What Skye Wore." :)Today Skye wore:

    • H&M Toddler Tee -- $4.99
      • Baby Gap Overalls -- $14.99 (On sale -- This was a splurge for me. Because of how quickly she grows out of clothes I normally never spend this much on one piece.)
    • Clark's Leather Sandals -- $3.00 (Thrifted)
      • Baby Gap Headband -- .99 (Clearance)

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Ethan had the day off today because of the holiday so we spent the afternoon walking around the riverfront. It was a real sweet occasion because it's usually so hot around these parts that we never do much of anything outside. The kids had a blast exploring and running around. I haven't carried my camera around "just because" in a while so it was fun to dust it off and take some snapshots of our day.IMG_8270IMG_8283IMG_8281IMG_8278IMG_8290IMG_8288IMG_8303IMG_8285IMG_8309IMG_8320IMG_8316IMG_8317IMG_8329IMG_8323IMG_8327IMG_8325IMG_8336IMG_8331IMG_8341ffIMG_8379freezeframeIMG_8353IMG_8350 

Meet Oakley.

Personaladmin4 Comments

A little over a week ago, we decided to rescue a dog! Ethan has been talking about how much he misses Callie (our old german shepherd that we gave to another family because we thought we were moving to Germany) and how much he wants a family dog. I see how intrigued Kaiden is with our friend's dogs and so, the thought of Kaiden having his own playmate again is what sold me on the idea. We went to our local shelter and picked out four that caught our eye (although, Oakley was the reason we decided to come to this shelter in the first place.) It was crazy to see row after row of dogs that were either run-aways, abused or unwanted. Two of the dogs were ruled out because they were noted to not be good with kids. The first dog that came into our room was extremely shy and a little skiddish, which was reason enough for us to pass on her. When Oakley came into our visitor's room, we immediately knew he was "the one." He was calm, friendly and most importantly, he did so well with Kaiden. Immediately, Ethan and I both could tell he was everything we were looking for.Oakley is a Tibetan Terrier and is two years old. He was found as a stray in a town about 20 miles from here. He recently had leg surgery because what was thought to be a tumor was found in his leg. He is playful, but extremely chill at the same time. He follows commands like "sit", "fetch", "off" and "come here." When we took him camping this past weekend, everyone was surprised when they found out we've only had him for less than two weeks. They said we were lucky to have such a well behaved dog and they thought we've had him for years. Oakley has definitely become a part of our family and I'm excited to have had the opportunity to adopt such a sweet, little fella.Here are some pics of him and Kaiden during our camping trip. I'll be posting more camping trip pictures later this week! Hope you guys had a restful Labor Day weekend!

Kaiden's Soapy Tub Mess

Momhood, PersonaladminComment

First of all, I just want to thank you all for being so encouraging about my recent testimony post. I didn't know what to expect when I hit the "publish" button but I knew I needed to share it. I was honestly overwhelmed with the positive response I received. I know the internet may seem impersonal at times, but lately I've really seen many use it as a resource to "maintain unity in the Spirit" and that thrills me! To God be the glory!So, I spent all day Friday second shooting a wedding (check out the preview here!) which meant the rest of this weekend was catered to Kaiden. I can always tell how much he misses me because he always needs extra attention after me being away for long periods of time. Yesterday we went to the park. We played tag, climbed up the jungle gym and made many rounds down the slide. We took a nice long walk, ate some animal crackers in the middle of a field and afterwards, he helped me pick some wildflowers. By the time we got home, he was all sweaty and due for a bath. I pulled out his tub filled with bath toys, only to find quite a bit of shampoo had leaked. I brought the tub to the backyard and filled it with water thinking it would be fun for him to splash his hands in...go figure, he got soaked from head to toe, so off with his clothes it was. The soapy mess was unplanned but of course I had to grab my camera and get a few shots.  Kaiden and the Soapy Tub from diannej on Vimeo.