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Snapshots from Our Little Girl's Baby Shower

 Yesterday was our little girl's baby shower and it was absolutely perfect. Seated under a shaded tree and surrounded by lovely details , I spent an hour or two with some amazing women that have all played different roles in my time here as a Californian. We munched on tasty finger food while conversing about life and parenting. We also played a game  and I opened some amazing gifts (these ladies have my style pinned!) My absolute favorite part was when we spent a few minutes in prayer. My dear friend Stephanie (who hosted this beautiful shower and you see pictured to the left) asked me a little while ago for prayer requests in regards to our upcoming arrival. She printed off prayer request cards for all the women to take home and for a few minutes, several women prayed over me, the baby and our family. It was such a neat experience seeing all these women set aside a few moments to go before God on my behalf. I seriously felt "showered" with gifts, love and support.Thank you to all my friends that attended the shower. You have no idea how blessed I feel when I think about how I came to California -- not knowing a single soul -- and now knowing that I can call up any one of you if I ever need something. When I first found out we were moving to here a few years ago, one of my biggest prayer requests was that I would make just one friend and I'm thrilled to know that God has blessed me with so much more than that.I have less than 6 weeks before our sweet, little girl arrives and today made that feel so much more real. Here are a few pictures I snapped (and a few taken by my friend, Maribel too ;))