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Road Trip Day 1: Red Rock Canyon State Park

The military gives us 8 travel days to get to our next duty station. We have decided to make a fun road trip out of it, seeing sights and visiting people along the way. I think I'm going to break down these posts by days since I'm taking so many pictures. Our first stop was to Red Rock Canyon State Park in California!Ethan finally out-processed from the base early in the morning which gave us plenty of time to hit the road and leave base that same day.I was afraid that driving with a newborn would be difficult but she handled it like a champ. We drove for a total of 7 hours with one food stop and one gas stop in the middle of it all.A lot of our trip looked like this. For those who don't know, California gets pretty dry in the summer time and all the green turns to yellow It's amazing how many little towns are in between Northern and Southern California. There isn't really much to them but they all have such unique character.Our destination was pretty, stinkin' awesome.This was our campsite! SO GORGEOUS!!!!!While Ethan prepped the fifth wheel, Kaiden, Skye and I went exploring. It was in these moments that I realized what a free spirit my son is. He is fearless and loves to venture off. He is adventurous and has a mind of his own. I loved watching him curiously roam around.Even Ethan will admit that babywearing is the way to go. It really gives you free hands and keeps baby happy too. :)One of our many views.Dinner prep. We had taco's that night.And they were extremely delicious.Trying out long exposures. This is the first time I've ever done them and I didn't have a tripod. I forgot to mention that this was a primitive camping spot meaning there were no electric hookups. We basically "tent camped" in our fifth wheel and relied on batteries and propane to serve our needs. While I would've loved to have electricity to hook up our AC, I loved the fact that this meant no one else around us had power which meant that there were no lights for miles. I have never seen stars like this in my entire life.Whoops. Got our Fifth Wheel in the shot (on the left) haha. Not gonna lie, I didn't take many shots because I was afraid some wild animal might come and get me haha."When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?" Psalm 8:3-4All in all, day 1 was pretty awesome. The drive went smoothly and Kaiden didn't have a melt down until the very end. The evening at the state park was gorgeous but the night was a bit on the hot side because of the lack of AC.  We realized how much junk we packed into our fifth wheel and spent a lot of time re-organizing it. I'm sure we will get into our groove eventually but our little family has a lot of adjustments to make over these next few days. I've been posting updates on Instagram so be sure to follow me there and if you don't have an account you can come to this blog and view the images on the right under "Instagram."