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Recipe Review: Spiced Pumpkin Doughnuts

IMG_8240I don't know about you but I'm definitely not the I-can-whip-up-an-amazing-dish-by-mixing-this-with-that kind of person. However, if I follow a recipe it's usually a success (which makes a happy husband.) This means I'm always on the hunt for new recipes. I stumbled upon a pumpkin doughnut recipe and thought I would give it a try. I knew right away that it called for a lot of flour and that would probably mean lots of dough. (I usually always cut large recipes in half but I had a feeling I should just make whole thing to ensure LOTS of doughnuts.)Fast forward to a status I posted after I made the dough, kneaded it, and put it in the fridge:

Attempting to make homemade doughnuts...my kitchen is a wreck. ‪    #‎ neveragain‬ ‪     #‎ letdunkindonutsdothework‬

Maybe it's because I haven't baked from scratch in a while. Maybe it's because I opted to use my hand mixer rather than my stand mixer. Or maybe it's because I'm notorious for using all the dishes in our cupboard to make one dish. Either way, I found doughnut-making to be rather tedious. Regardless, I judged this recipe before I tasted it. After a few hours passed I fried some up and was amazed at how fluffy and flavorful these little bits of pumpkin goodness were.I retract my Facebook status.Guys, we've had dough sitting in our fridge for the past few days and every day I've had the opportunity to fry them up and eat hot, fresh doughnuts. (Good for my tastebuds...bad for my body. Ha.) To prevent myself from eating them all and to simply spread the love, I've been making some for friends and everyone that has tried them loves them. In fact, the girls at my Bible study this morning crushed them. I didn't realize that all the hard work would produce such cinnamon-y, pumpkin-y happiness for many days to come. So, if you have a deep fryer, a can of pumpkin, and a few hours you can spare - make these doughnuts! You won't regret it. Get the recipe here.PS. The pictured doughnuts are ones I tried with the powdered sugar glaze. I actually prefer the recipe better with the cinnamon-sugar coating that the author recommends at the bottom. You can see how those turned out in my Instagram picture  here.