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Pregnancy: Week 5

Yesterday, I had to go to the hospital to fill out a bunch of paperwork. They are making me attend a two hour meeting on Monday to learn all about pregnancy diet, exercise, sign/symptoms. I asked them if I could skip since I've already had  a child at this hospital but they said no, unfortunately. I also had to get labs done which required SIX vials of blood be drawn. It was disgusting. Oh, and there was a urine test too. Fun times. As I sat in the OB office and filled out paperwork, I was reminded of each pregnancy milestone. I looked around and saw pregnant women from every stage. If there is one thing that will get me through this pregnancy (besides the fact that the outcome is an new member of our family!) it will be remembering to take everything step by step. If I look at this as, "I have 35 weeks left!?" then I will go insane. I'm also going to try my best to remember the lesson I learned from having Kaiden and that is to enjoy the moments I have now...because come "toddler and a newborn" time, I will have even less free time. Is that possible?The goal is to take weekly preggo belly pics again! With Kaiden they were mostly cell phone shots, so this time I'm hoping to be a little less lazy and use the big camera. I thought about doing something a little more creative than this but weekly pics are a challenge so I think this will suffice.Baby Size & Development:Sesame Seed. I had to bust out the sesame seed shaker so I could see how tiny baby is. (By the way, we call him/her sesame seed baby.) This week is when Sesame Seed Baby has it's first heart beat. :)Signs & Symptoms:My pants don't fit. They actually haven't for  few weeks and I've been leaving them unbuttoned using the whole preggo-hair-elastic method. I thought I had gained some belly weight but this answers my question. They say you get bigger at a faster rate the second time around!Cravings:None. If anything, I've noticed that I've been hungrier often (even prior to finding out about new baby.)Best Moment This Week:The day I found I was pregnant. Pure joy!Worst Moment This Week: The night I knew I was pregnant. It's all mental and this just proves it... >> I sleep like a rock but the day I found out I was pregnant I couldn't sleep that night...I kept having to wake up to pee hahaha. It's all mental!!!! (Sorry, if that was TMI!)What I Most Look Forward To:The Week 10 Ultrasound. I'm excited to see baby for the first time! I'm also really looking forward to finding out the sex (but it doesn't happen until week 18.)