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Pregnancy: Week 33

Kaiden and I picked up my husband at the airport yesterday. It was the most amazing feeling walking out to our car with Kaiden holding both of our hands. There was a giant smile on his face and he knew his family was complete. The craziest thought is that come June, our family will be adding one and after she is born, life before her will soon seem foreign and unfamiliar. To think that God is entrusting us with another child to raise up and pour ourselves into...it amazes me. The days are slowly winding down and my love for her continues to grow daily... :)Baby Size & Development:Pineapple. She should be approximately 17 inches now and around 4 lbs. She's beginning to lose the "alien look" as her skin becomes less translucent and her skeleton is hardening.Signs & Symptoms:Can't reach the ground when sitting. My stomach gets in the way if I am sitting down and trying to bend over to pick something up. There is definitely not much room for her (or so it feels) and therefore, I feel every movement.Shortness of breath. Over these past few days, it's really hit me hard. I find myself huffing and puffing at the smallest things. I had a really good run of not feeling so tired but not so much anymore.Best Moment This Week:Ethan coming home. For obvious reasons, I'm extremely happy that he is home...but in relation to pregnancy, it makes life so much easier having a second set of helping hands.Worst Moment This Week:There was one day where it got extremely hot outside and I found myself even more exhausted. I'm pretty sure that pregnancy symptoms increase in extreme temperatures...or so it felt like!What I Most Look Forward To:Post pregnancy when I can eat and drink things on the "no-no list." There's something about someone telling you that you can't have a hot dog, that makes you want a hot dog lol. Of course there are other things too like not having to watch what seafood I eat or simply eating cold deli meat...a glass of wine would be nice too ;)