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Pregnancy Update.

I'm currently bouncing up and down on a yoga ball as I type this at my computer. Tomorrow is my due date and I haven't had any major signs of Skye's arrival. These past few weeks have been nothing but a time of relaxation and rest as I prepare for our little girl to make her entrance. As I've mentioned in previous posts, Ethan's sister is in town and has been such a help with Kaiden. I've been able to nap almost every day, go on long walks every night and am doing everything I can to enjoy these last moments before I encounter  a whole new dynamic to  life. I spent quite a while wrestling with the idea of labor. I think the anxiety is worse this go around only because I know what to expect. It's actually been a hindrance to my excitement and something that has caused me to really spend time in prayer and reflecting over encouraging verses. I can rest in the fact that the physical pain I will encounter is temporary and fleeting AND I can look to God's blessings past and present and trust in His future promises as well. This has really helped me not worry.At my 39 weeks appointment, I found out that I am 3 cm dilated and she is so low my doctor could actually feel her head. She was predicting I would go any day now but that was almost a week ago and the only major thing that has happened was there was a night where I had contractions that sent me into a jitter. When my water broke with Kaiden, I couldn't control my teeth chattering, I felt shivers galore and I was shaking. The same feeling overcame me and we thought we were going to have to go into the hospital. But, like all false labor signs, the contractions stopped when I laid down. Since then, there hasn't been much. My doctor was also concerned because my belly is measuring considerably small. She was afraid there wasn't enough amniotic fluid and so she sent me to get another growth scan (aka ultrasound.) We went and found out that there is enough amniotic fluid, but based off her measurements she has a new calculated of June 14th instead of June 3rd. This is not to say she can't come any day now. They aren't officially changing my due date but that is just what the numbers were showing. All this to say, I'm more than ready for this labor to happen but (unlike my last pregnancy) I am living with a confidence that God has a perfect arrival time for her and because of that I can patiently wait. In the meantime, the blog entries will continue to be sporadic probably over the next month as we encounter entirely new changes. Thank you all for the prayers and for the people who have sent me encouraging messages and texts, asking how I am doing. It's much appreciated!