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Pregnancy: 37 Weeks

There's only 16 days until my due date. It's crazy to think how fast time has flown by! There's not much to update, as I'm feeling pretty good considering how pregnant I am. I suppose that is a good thing. :)Baby Size & Development:She is the length of a stalk of swiss chard. She is pretty much fully developed and is ok to make her arrival at any point since she is considered "full term."Signs & Symptoms:Mild contractions. This is normal in pregnancy as my body is trying to prep for baby to come.Shortness of Breath. This has definitely been a huge one as of lately. I was sitting in church the other day and my heart was racing! I felt so short of breath and had to do some breathing exercises to slow it down.Best Moment This Week:Ethan's sister came into town to visit and help with Kaiden. It's been great having an extra hand and knowing that in case I go into labor, someone will be home to stay with Kaiden!Worst Moment This Week:I was bent down on the floor trying to figure out what Kaiden wanted, when he accidentally pushed me over. I lost my balance and I actually tipped over lol. I hit my head on the water fountain, dropped everything I was holding and felt so embarrassed... :/What I Most Look Forward To:Tomorrow. I'm taking one day at a time and enjoying my moments of boredom and free time.