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More Hospital Pictures!

We weren't sure how Kaiden would respond to Skye. I had a feeling he would be a great big brother but I've heard so many stories where the older sibling wants nothing to do with the new addition and so I fully expected him to act similarly. He actually did extremely well and of course, we had to take pictures to document it all...He wasn't sure what he thought of her at first...But then we told him he could touch her if he wanted...And that's when he really warmed up to her!He couldn't get enough of her little fingers. I could tell he was fascinated with her.And Skye got to see her auntie again and meet her Jago grandparents for the first time!The rest of these photos are ones that Ethan and I took while we were waiting to get discharged from the hospital. She was just a little over a day old in these pictures. :)