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Meet Gina: A Portrait of a Truly Beautiful Woman

I remember when I met the McElroy's for the first time. We were outside of the Disney store at the mall and had randomly bumped into them. We chatted for a bit and talked about how we should get together for a BBQ. I remember walking away and telling Ethan, "Gina is beautiful."Gina had been having consistent headaches and nausea since October of last year. The doctor kept dismissing it and by December they found a 1.5 inch tumor by her brain. She had to have brain surgery for it's removal but something still wasn't right. It wasn't until February of this year that she was diagnosed with cancer. This changed everything for her family. There were constant trips to the hospital, long, overnight stays without her kids, hospital bills piling up and she was in a constant state of pain. It wasn't until later that they found out the cancer was not just in her brain, but also in her spinal fluid, leaving tumors coating her spine. Gina had to start radiation immediately, but despite all of this she told me she didn't cry once. She knew she had to be strong for her family and in addition to that, she saw God doing a great work in her life. He used this period of pain and struggle to humble her, deepen her walk with Him and grow to appreciate every single day of life."I started coming to realization that maybe having cancer wasnt such a bad thing. I grew closer to God, my family and friends. I started to appreciate life so much more. Everyone's kind words and prayers humbled me so much. Whatever the outcome of my life was going to be, I accepted it."And that's when they got the call that the tumors in her spine were gone and the one in her brain was/is shrinking!It's been an incredibly long journey for their family but I've been able to watch them on the sidelines and let me just say that they are some of the strongest people I know. Despite everything that they have been through, Gina consistently attributes God for the strength He has given her and acknolwedges that even though things may not have panned out the way she would have planned, she fully trusts that He is in control."I'm sure my story isn't any different from anyone else battling cancer. I never expected that that person would be me though but I trust in God and just let him lead."Since getting into photography, one thing that has remained is my desire to bless others with the talent God has given me. This may sound corny but pictures truly are worth a thousand words. A single photo can bring back a flood of emotions and memories and I wanted the McElroy's to have something to look back on. I want them to remember the moments after Gina finished her radiation treatments.After photographing them, I can honestly say the same statement I made a few years ago...Gina is beautiful, both inside and out. She is a living testimony of God's goodness. He has done an amazing work in her life through this trial and I can clearly see how her story has touched so many hearts and lives. I'm encouraged to see all the love and support she has been shown through her family and friends, and I would ask that you would take a moment right now to stop and pray for their family. She is still in a lot of pain and they still have much to journey through but I know that your prayers would mean the world to them.