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Life Update.

B IS FOR BLESSED.Sorry I've been absent for a few days. We've been busy and Kaiden has been skipping his naps, which is normally when I have time to write. There has been so much weighing on my heart lately and I can't seem to spit it out. All I can say is God has been pouring out His blessings on us, tremendously. We had a rough past few months but it's really given us perspective and has allowed me to appreciate blessings that I know I once took for granted.KAIDEN'S CHECKUP.We took Kaiden to his 18-month checkup today. He is 22 months, by the way. We are bad parents haha. We completely forgot to get his 18 month check up with the chaos of everything, and by the time we realized that fact, he was 21 months and there was a whole month waiting list to be seen! They took all his measurements and when the doctor started to read off the percentiles, she told us that Kaiden is overweight. With a puzzled look on my face, I looked at her and said, "It must  be muscle because he is a skinny little boy!" She laughed when she realized that he is not in fact overweight...she was reading his head measurements. Apparently, he has a big head, ha!ETHAN UPDATE.Ethan is still in pain. His doc diagnosed him with a herniated disc problem that may be the reason for the sciatic nerve issues which has a domino effect and causes his compartment syndrome. He will be started physical therapy this week and will continue for the next 7 weeks before we look to surgery as a fix. Speaking of fix...TRAILER, TRAILER!We bought a vintage trailer! It's amazing. I don't have pictures because we are having some wiring work done to it but believe me, I will be posting the minute we get it back. The only fixing it needs is aestethics. It's all white and definitely needs a touch of color. Ethan is an extremely good salesperson and that comes in handy when buying things too. We got such a good deal! While I've been waiting for it to come back, I've been frequenting thrift stores to see if I can find any odds and ends for it. Ethan told me that I can do whatever I want to it. I've already started a Pinterest board dedicated to camper DIY's and am excited to put these ideas to work. That being said, all this thrifting has confirmed my love for treasure hunting. I've been seriously thinking about opening a vintage boutique for a while. I'd love to fill it with both clothes, decorations and furniture. The goal would be to make these items accessible to those who don't have time to search (or don't care to) while keeping the prices reasonable enough for the customer and still making a profit. I don't know if it's possible. And I know at this point in my life it's not feasible. I don't know where we are moving next and honestly, my photography is more lucrative than this type of a store would be. But a girl can dream. Lord willing, I hope someday it happens! In the meantime, I will be re-opening my Etsy shop and selling vintage there (like this wonderful range-finder I have pictured!)....I'll save that for another post though. :)Well, this was all a little random but then again, my life is completely random. Hope you have a lovely rest of the night!