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Life Update.

My husband is sweet. Even though he has a Jiu Jitsu class to teach tonight, he took Kaiden along with so I could have some time to myself. He's been extra helpful lately and it's because he is going to be gone so much over these next few months. He will be overseas for practically all of March, gone for two weeks in April, 10 days in May and another 4 weeks overseas in July (when Baby Girl will be about 6 weeks old.) While I'm excited that he will be doing a lot of awesome hands-on training I know these next few months will be very difficult for me to be a pregnant and a "single" parent with no family nearby! (Thankfully, my mom will be flying out sometime during that 4 week period when Ethan is gone in July so that she can help with Kaiden and the new baby.) I'm fully aware that this is a part of military life and that I am not the first person to go through this, but it doesn't make it less difficult. I know Kaiden and I experience his high energy levels first hand, so I've really been trying my best to mentally prepare for it all.It feels like our little family has been bombarded with troubles lately. We've been dealing with everything from someone taking money out of our bank account to finding out today that my license plate renewal form (along with my car title) got lost in the mail. These are just a few issues, out of what feels like many back-to-back problems. Throughout all this, I've found myself in the Word and in a state of constant prayer. This verse in James just keeps managing to re-surface in my life through different avenues and so throughout all these trials, I've been trying to push forward and trust that God has a plan throughout it all. When I look at so many lives recorded in the Bible, I see how many of them dealt with pain and affliction. In one of my Bible studies, we are learning about Isaac and Rebekah and how she struggled with infertility. Though they were promised a child, they still had to wait twenty years before she was blessed with one. I think it's easy to read a sentence in the Bible like this one -- >> "Isaac prayed to the Lord on behalf of his wife, because she was childless. The Lord answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant.," and just move on with reading -- overlooking the fact that in verses prior it said that Issac got married at 40 and they got pregnant at 60. Twenty years of waiting would drive me crazy!  Can you imagine the emotional turmoil they must have gone through? And that's the thing about the Bible...we are not always given all the little details and so it can be so easy to forget how human these people were and how they often wrestled with the same day to day struggles that we struggle with. This too, has also been something to help me relate and deal with the random rain clouds that come our way.I deleted my Facebook app off of my phone and it's been so freeing. There have been so many times (out of habit) that I have tried to go on my phone and access Facebook, and each time it's reminded me of one less opportunity to allow a comment, status or something in my newsfeed to get under my skin. Don't get me wrong, I love social media and the way it connects people but I feel that sometimes it can breed insensitivity just because you are behind a computer screen typing and not face to face. It is inevitable that a status you may read or a status you may write, may be found offensive and so by my eliminating my app I've barely been on. If you're wanting a little less Facebook in your life, maybe you should delete the app too! I really didn't want to delete my Facebook all together, so this has been a great solution and a nice break.Today, I went shopping for Baby Girl. There is a second-hand children's clothing store nearby and I went a little crazy. I absolutely adore everything that Baby Gap makes and if I had it my way, her whole wardrobe would be all BabyGap....but it's just a little too pricey. I can only buy pieces from there when they are heavily discounted because I don't want to spend $25+ on something she will grow out of immediately. Well, this store had lots of BabyGap in her size and so I bought a bunch. Most of it was around the $6 price range (which is more than I would normally spend on gently used kid clothing) but it's hard to find in thrift stores for much cheaper.That was all a little random but that's what's been going on as of lately. I'll have to update on Kaiden in a separate post...hope you all had a lovely day!