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Home is Wherever I'm With You.

Ethan is FINALLY home! He flew in late last night and it was the most beautiful reunion ever. I was a bit nervous that Kaiden would be a tad bit shy around him but nope -- he knows his daddy! I could tell that Kaiden wasn't sure if this was real or not. His little hands clung to Ethan and our sweet, little boy was grinning from ear to ear. On the car ride home, Kaiden giggled and laughed at every word Ethan said. He has this deep, belly laughter that ha-ha'ed throughout the entirety of our conversation. When we got "home" (our friend's house where we are temporarily living), Kaiden was so hyper, showing off all his new toys and showing dad all his new skills (aka couch jumping and pillow tossing.) He didn't go to bed until 2 am! I can't describe how amazing it felt for us all to be back together again. Despite all the chaos we have been through, I deeply relate to the song lyrics, "Home is wherever I'm with you." I could care less about all the major and minor details going on in our lives right now. I'm just glad I'm with him, he's with us, and we are together.Speaking of home, I haven't talked too much on my blog about how we are in limbo with housing right now. We sold our house and had to move everything into storage. We weren't sure what was going on with Ethan and his job situation, so we couldn't really commit to any type of housing off-base and on base there is a six month waiting list. I have been temporarily living with some friends in their guest bedroom -- which I am SO grateful for! We decided to call our first sergeant and see if he could arrange housing for us...within minutes, we were told of an opening. When you move onto base housing, you have a choice if there is availability. This particular house is much bigger than what we would normally receive, but many people have been passing it up and choosing to go on the waiting list for the newer housing, so it's been vacant for a little bit. They offered it to us and we can move in as early as tomorrow! We are going to try and move everything out of storage by this weekend but Ethan can't do much since he is in so much pain right now. He is the type of guy that suffers in silence, and it's not like him to voice it out. I'm not sure what our next move is yet but if there is one thing we've both learned, it's to take everything day by day. I know this is still the beginning to a long journey ahead, but it has taught us SO much already. I have an even deeper appreciation for the time I get to spend with my husband and son. I also am reminded that God truly is our provider.Thank you to all who keep us in prayer.