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Healthier, Pre-packaged Toddler Snack Alternatives

Kaiden loves to snack but as much as I would love to bake him homemade sweet potato chips everyday (they take an hour to bake plus prep time), sometimes it's more practical to buy pre-packaged snacks. But how we do we know which brands to buy? Can we really trust labels that claim to be healthy? Is more for your money always the best motto? In this post, I'll show you 6 alternatives to the typical toddler/kid's snacks that most parents purchase and I'll answer all those questions. If your local stores offer these, I highly suggest purchasing these products instead. As the movie Food Inc. taught me, every item we purchase is a  vote towards towards healthy or unhealthy. We are supplied what we demand, and if we don't start demanding more organic products we will never have healthier options...Of course, we must remember that anything pre-packaged will never have the same nutritional value as any raw type of food.** Just as a disclaimer, I don't want any mom to feel bad if you choose to buy Goldfish or Welch's fruit snacks. Healthy eating is something I have become passionate about but I still understand convenience and expense.  I'm not here to force my opinion on anyone, I just want to share what I've been learning. :)FRUIT SNACKS // Fruit snacks are a really popular go to snack for parents. I actually never buy them for Kaiden because I know they will get stuck in Kaiden's teeth and I just don't want that to sit on his gumline all day but the few times I have bought him some, I get Annie's Organic Bunny Fruit Snacks. I've seen them at Target and Babies 'R US (and sometimes our commissary has them stocked but I haven't seen them in a while.) They actually taste incredibly delicious and are made with real, organic fruit. The only downside is they are definitely pricier and they come in very small packs.YOGURT // Even before my research on healthier brands, I always avoided GoGurt because to me the box screams "sugar in a tube." I continued to buy Kaiden baby yogurt way past his baby stage. When I saw these organic Stonyfield YoKids Squeezers at our commissary, I picked them up right away. In fact, they seem to be so popular that they are never in stock. :( Though Go-Gurt boasts of using low fat milk, they still use a ton of sugar and even high fructose corn syrup. Stick with Stonyfield. There are no artificial preservatives, flavors or thickeners. Also, they pay extra to ensure that the cows are not treated with the added growth hormone, rBGH.APPLESAUCE // It really ticks me off that Mott's labels some of their applesauce "Healthy Harvest" and yet their products contain high fructose corn syrup. This is proof that you need to read your label's. Just because it is labeled "healthy", doesn't mean it is. Your best bet is purchase Tree Top's Natural Applesauce as they do not contain GMO's, added sugars or any added flavoring. Though many anti-GMO consumers were upset at Tree Top's decision to oppose California's Prop 37 (which would require manufacturers to label if their product has GMO's), Tree Top's facebook page says that they do support GMO labeling, their products do not contain GMO's and there were other reasons for their vote. TOASTER PASTRIES // I'm pretty sure we all can agree that Pop-tart's are not a good source of much of anything. They contain artificial coloring, preservatives, high fructose corn syrup and almost weigh in at the same nutritional value as a donut. When I discovered Nature's Path Organic Toaster Pastries right next to the Pop Tart box, I jumped for joy. My son loves these and the best part is they use real, organic fruit and they are supported by the Non-GMO project. They are a great go-to snack for yourself or little ones. ANIMAL CRACKERS // This is definitely a go-to snack for many parents...especially when you can buy a giant tub of them for $5. Sadly, while their labels may boast of it's source in calcium they are still sugar and carb filled (--however, they are still better than other kid's cookies.) The better alternative would be Barbara's Snackimals which come in four different flavors. My absolute favorite is Oatmeal. They are supported by the Non-GMO project. While they contain ingredients you can actually understand such as organic whole oats, you still should remember they are cookies and should be eaten in moderation. But they taste so good, I won't blame you if you can't. ;)GOLDFISH // This is another popular snack. I will admit we still have an un-finished box in our cupboard but I know they are loaded with sodium. Annie's Organic Cheddar Bunnies are a better alternative as they are gluten-free, have 0 g trans fat and no cholesterol. However, they still should be eaten in moderation. There is definitely a significant price different but sometimes it's not better to get more for your money. Let's be real. When you buy a giant box of goldfish, you find your hand in it way more often, eating them as you please. The thought is to buy in bulk so that you can spread it out over time, but with foods that are meant to be snacked on this doesn't always happen. You may spend more for a box of Annie's, but you will end up giving your kids less. The best way to buy Annie's products is to wait for them to go on sale, which happens quite frequently at Babie's R Us and Target. Our local commissary also sells them as well.Eating healthier can sometimes be intimidating because of the cost. But the fact is this: big brand snack food companies include flavorings and chemicals that cause you to want more. If you or your kids are eating the proper amount required from each food group, then you will end up snacking and eating less than before. The cost will eventually be the same but the difference is you are filling yourself with foods that help your body and not hurt it. In addition to this, the amount that we spend on medicine and doctor's appointments can be contributed to years of unhealthy eating. You will save less by spending more now. Be sure to always read labels, remember that "healthy claims" can't always be trusted, and don't always expect that the best "value" is the best route. Keep an eye open for these brands and be sure to cast your vote for healthy the next time you are at the check out line! It's an investment in your health. :)