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My son is the energizer bunny. I'm not even exaggerating. I don't like to compare him with other kids but I am certain that my son has more energy than "normal." It can make being a stay at home mom challenging because I feel as though I have to constantly entertain him. I don't talk about it as much as I would like to only because I am very well aware that I made the choice to be a stay at home mom. I am a believer that this is the way God intended a woman with a child/children's role and so I don't want to complain...but I do need to vent:I'm exhausted. I love what I do but I feel like I can't keep up with him sometimes...and maybe pregnancy is contributing to that. And maybe it's also the fact that we've gone 6 days without his beloved bottle. Maybe it's because he is teething and he is running a constant fever. Maybe it's the fact that he doesn't nap anymore. Maybe it's because if he's not running around our house in circles, he is climbing the couch or trying to ride our dog like a pony. Maybe it's the fact that he didn't go to sleep until 11 pm last night and woke up by the hour wanting to play or sometimes just screaming. I take him to parks to let him "run his energy out" and he leaves somehow with even more energy. I rarely feed him sugary snacks. We do playdates to socialize. We get out of the house to walk around. I try to mentally stimulate him with sensory activities and book reading. I'm just not sure what more I can possibly do. Some friends have suggested pre-school and I don't feel called to put him in full time and the part time ones we simply can't afford or their program is just a glorified babysitter. I've tried gymnastics class but now with this pregnancy I have a hard time lifting him and keeping up with parent participation. I'd like to think that this is just a phase he is going through but since the day he was born he has been a bundle of energy. He was never one of those babies you could just set down and do your own thing. He constantly needed/needs attention and he was always squirming around. Days after he was born he was trying to lift his head and look around...that should've told me something lol.I love my little buddy and I love that he is equally as cuddly as he is energetic (which gives me strength to keep going) but it's challenging. It is truly by the grace of God that I have the strength and energy to continue to pour myself into him daily and the good thing is it does cause me to go to Him in prayer more than ever before. I know these years aren't long and I want to make the most of them, but  I could really use some encouragement today...if you have any ideas of what I could do to help channel some of that energy, please share!