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Carrot Sprouts and Life Update!

Ethan left early this morning for another TDY (military term that basically means out of state training.) He will be gone for 2 weeks which is half the time he was gone for in March so I can't complain. It was great being able to spend time with him before he had to leave again. Today marks 32 weeks pregnant for me and by the time he gets back I will only have 6 weeks left until my due date. He'll be home for a little bit (and his cousins are flying into town!) and then off again for another TDY that is a little under two weeks. By the time he gets back from that I will have 3 weeks until baby is due, when his parents fly into town! I have a feeling these next two months are going to fly by...We had the chance to go on a date night and so we reverted back to our pre-Kaiden days and did a classic dinner and a movie. It was so nice being kid-free for an evening and just talking/laughing over some good food. We saw the movie Olympus Has Fallen...it was awesome. Go see it!Kaiden's speech has been progressing more. He has been talking more and more jargon, as his speech therapist calls it. The words don't make sense but he is saying something with meaning since he repeats the same phrases over and over if we ask him to. I asked her if she thinks he has been progressing and she says that he has made huge improvements since he started in October. Though he is clearly behind his peers, I know that he is only 2 and I've witnesssed such growth in his vocabulary. Some of his latest words are "pee" "ready" "baby" and he can actually pronounce Baby's name (which we will be announcing soon!)We volunteered for a few assignments to move but all of them have been filled by someone else. We're in no rush to leave California but now that we have a new addition coming we would love the opportunity to move over to the East Coast so that we can be somewhat closer to family. It's been a bit weird since everyone that we knew when we first PCS'ed (moved) here has already moved on to new stations but I also have a dear friend that got "volun-told" to move to North Dakota and all her pictures/statuses are of snow which makes me even more appreciative of this sunny state. We are just leaving it up to God to open and close doors as He wills. I will admit, though, it really is strange not knowing where we could possibly be at the end of this year or the next.Other than that, not much is happening here! As you can see from the picture, my carrot sprouts are really growing. I'm trying out the square-foot gardening method which I blogged about here and am able to plan 16 carrots in a plot. Some are growing at different intervals since I started them from seed and not all took root but for the most part I should be able to harvest them sometime in May! I also have lettuce sprouts that seem to be doing very well. Most of my other seedlings died since I didn't transplant them soon enough so I will just be planting them directly in the soil once I get the chance. Gardening requires so much patience but I love stepping outside and seeing new growth each day!