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Busy, Busy, Busy.

What a process all of this has been. These past few days have been nothing but appointments, running errands and checking off things on our to-do list, all while taking care of a newborn and toddler. We are running on little sleep and lots of coffee. I'm sure many others can relate as every military family does it and with Ethan's career field, it's about every 3-4 years. I was just telling Ethan today how it's crazy that once again, we find ourselves putting another duty station behind us. Although it can be hard to never put roots down somewhere, it's also  a huge opportunity to be able to have a fresh start and move somewhere completely different. We have learned so much and made so many amazing connections in the process. With that said, we leave tomorrow morning! Please keep our little family in prayer as we travel. It's a long trip and this will be a first for both Kaiden and Skye. If you have any travel tips, please do share!