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Attempts at Photographing Kaiden.

Most of my pictures of Kaiden are of the back of his head. He has had a camera in his face since birth and I'm pretty sure he is sick of it. Every time I even attempt to snap a picture of him he says no, shakes his head and turns away. It makes me sad because I have sooooo many pictures of him when he was younger but the minute he became mobile that all changed. So today, I took a new approach. We made a game out of it. I would have him stand on the couch and I would say, "Ready, set, go!" He would run towards me and I would have to try and snap a picture of him before he got to me. We both couldn't stop laughing our heads off. It was actually quite challenging! These are a few of my favorites...the rest are blurry and out of focus but I'm glad I got something.