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Assignment Change: Goodbye Germany

If there is one thing that is anchoring me amidst the back and forth chaos of life, it is God and the knowledge that He is in complete control of all things. After a long chain of phone calls, I found out through a friend that we are getting re-stationed. This was confirmed when I saw a very vague email written by headquarters stating the assignment change. I knew Europe was too good to be true. I just had a feeling it wasn't going to work out...A wave of emotion overcame me when I heard. Disappointment. Confusion. Uncertainty. With tear filled eyes and a shaky voice, I prayed for peace...and that is what He gave me. A song by Leeland came to mind...

When the storm is raging all around me, [God] You are the peace that calms my troubled sea, And when the cares of this world darken my day, You are the light that shines and show me the way. Oh, the beauty of Your majesty, on the cross you showed Your love for me...

I wanted to live an exciting European life. I had already pictured myself attempting to string together German words at the local markets with Kaiden. I loved the thought that Paris would only be 6 hours away. I wanted to eat at cute bakeries and explore different cultures. I was excited to see historical sites with my own eyes. I wanted many things. But when I view this change in light of eternity, my whole focus changes. God has a perfect plan for my life. He will place our little family exactly where we need to be. It may not be where I want, but wherever Ethan, Kaiden and I are planted is where we will make our home. As a Christian, I am here to bring glory to God in all that I do, regardless of geographical location, and I am called to make that location my mission field. It's the eternal perspective that keeps me hopeful of a wonderful plan ahead.With that said, instead of Germany, we will be moving to Fort Drum, New York. The population is 13,000 and you can probably spit and hit Canada. I don't know much about the area but it sure does look cold. I am not happy about the news but I am at peace with it. As I mentioned earlier, these past few months have been ridiculous. My heart and head have been pulled in every direction and it is only God who is "the peace that calms my troubled sea."  Thank you for our friends and family that have consistently prayed for us. I am going to make the most out of this move and while you may not see exciting posts about Germany, you can sure bet you are going to learn a lot about upstate New York. :) Here is the song I mentioned...definitely a favorite!

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