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24 Weeks Pregnant.

ForWeb-0728-2Around November of last year, we found out we are expecting our third child! We didn't tell anyone outside of our family for several months. I've been Facebook-free for the past two months so I think the only announcement I did was on Instagram. Being that this is my third, I'm taking a totally different approach and haven't been keeping track of much of anything except for my doctor's appointments. It's been great. Some will ask me how far along I am, I'll give them a date, and then check it with an online calculator, only to find out I'm a few more weeks further than I thought. It's helped to pass the time by and it's also helps me focus on the here and now so that I can give the two kiddos the attention they need while we await the new arrival.Baby no. 3 is a girl and she is going to be due at the end of July! Kaiden is so excited about the fact that he will have another sister. He is always hugging my belly, telling her he loves her, and praying over her. Skye is just clueless about it all. We have a one name that we are currently calling her but there are a few runner ups we are considering. She seems to be just as active as the past two kids (which is probably bad news for me, ha!) Everything seems to be going well pregnancy-wise and I'm just happy to have another healthy, little babe.Aside from all of that, we are loving living in PA. Ethan's job is going really well and his schedule means we get to actually eat dinner with him every night. Deeply Rooted just celebrated it's 1-year anniversary (I can't wait to share the party pictures) and we just released our 5th issue. It's absolutely gorgeous and most definitely my favorite.God continues to humble me and teach me so many life lessons. I wish I had more time to blog blog in general but more so blog about the things He has been stirring in my heart as of lately. But this is the season where He has me. I've been spending less time on social media, more time pouring into my kids, husband, and home, and all my excess is spent on the magazine. He continues to give me grace through each day, no matter how busy it can get. Since moving here I've been trying to keep my priorities balanced and eliminate activities that don't refuel me. Time is a gift and I desire to use it well.Until next time, friends...